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Campion Memories

People, places, incidents, etc.

Writing this as the points come to my head! Any stuff I might have forgotten, please remind me!

Nath getting all hyper and making the sign of the cross, when the bells used to chime at noon!

Nath chewing up his tie in 6th std. He was also famous for eating fevicol and paper!

Tandon "shoving" his pen into my ribcage, while I read Forsyth's "Fist of God" under the desk in Ms.Fernandes' History class in the 9th!

Tandon getting "aroused" by the description of a "scene" in "Fist of God".

All of us kidding Ms.Choudhry about "page Tirty Tree"....haha. We even made her repeat it some 10 times on the last day of school

Looking at the Cooperage Stadium upside down with Popes holding my neck (10th std). He was pissed off coz he got chucked out of the library. I think Patker saved the day for me!

Blown away by the "babes" from Bombay International at the YMCA debates in Aug 94. All budding Sharon Stones!

KAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRNNNNNLLLL MENDONSAAAAAAA (Jasudben Experimental School). We still try to figure out what was so experimental about them. LSD/coke/grass??!!!! Tarun, thanks for reminding me about him.

"Fick man!!!" That's Gavin on the basketball court.

Another fond basketballing memory is Pinto's tongue, hanging out just like Jordan's!

A not so fond memory of trying to swat Danta Pinto like Hakeem Olajuwon, and ending up in a tangle with him, and more importantly a torn ligament in my ankle!

8am cricket with Suzie Aunty, Dhruv, Vidur and Horny.

Fishy showing off his XXX-long thumb!

"Ip u weel cum vith de roning, I vill giving u baaal gem" - Prakash (the PT sir) sometime in the 7th Std. This dude had weird ears! Translates as: "If u will come with the running, I will giving u ball game".

"Deefuck, vere ver u?"...Prakash to this dude called Deepak (from the A-section). Translates as: "Deepak, where were u??"

Mazie dividing one house in every PT period into the other two houses for the football games, in junior skool. There wasnt no Berchmans house in those heady days!

The only goal I remember scoring - A blast from the defensive area, which beat Karl Karanjia all ends up.

The school anthem - Sometime Lewis would break off into some weird humming. I can only suspect he was singing the Cathderal anthem!

Lewis and his hymns. The oil in our lamps keep us burning, for sure. And he really had the whole wide world "INEEZ" hands!

Lewis was also famous for messing up the National Anthem. RSS dudes may have thrown him into jail for his antics!

Vinil acting as the drunkard in one of our Moral Science class plays. Needless to say, the nickname stuck!

KD said "Morarji Desai kicked the bucket", to which Chintan wondered whether the old man has fractured his foot!!!!! LOL

KD really would jack the dudes who took tutes from Sanctis and Contractor.

Daily lunches with Abu, Mali and the gang outside class for all those years! "Mali ki mooli khao..."

Akshat kidding Prateeek about: "papa papa, krishna bhagwan kaun they???"

Gavin explaining the drama surrounding the news of Kurt Cobain's death.

Gavin keeping track of all those innumerable music countdowns on MTV.

Still wondering why Gaurav Agarwal's called HORNYYY!!!!

Bhopal Gas Leak and Tragedy!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh man....that was a real stinker!!!!

Gavin's song about "Chori ka maamla hai.....BC Chor......"

Somewhere inside one of the desks in the 10B classroom, u'll find the names of all of us scribbled in black marker, along with the names of our "loves"...I think Kaizu daarling was responsible for it!

The elections for all those posts - amazing times!

Negotiating all those legs and arms during the lunchtime basketball games, when u had almost 4 classes trying to play on the same court.

BTW, I still can hear the 2pm bell ring, and remember the mass of humanity descending into the Tagore Hall.

Still cant figure out why the senior school guys had to have an assembly after every lunch break!

Noronha whacking me with a can on my back for supposedly sniggering at him. It still hurtz.

Gomes and his "Pongu/Pongya Mama" lectures. "I will chew the marrow of your bones!!!"...Man those words used to make some ppl shit buckets!

Mindu (God bless his soul": "Mehra brothers, plus 6, 6 each..............Panthaky, how are Grandmummy and Grandpapa....."

Colaco scribbling " B L X Bh" and then coming back and completing the "r" of Britto. This happened whenever we guys really pissed him off.

Alvaro and his guitar......I can never forget them.....He threw Mayank out of class atleast a good 15-20 times in the 9th and 10th, for asking dumb questions in class. Mayank being the gracious chap he is, still considers Alvaro as the best teacher he came across in Campion.

"Bhavin Bhai, gimmmmmmmme 5"

We used to wish Ms.Pandya (Hindi teacher) "Namaste Deeeee Deeeeee".....we even once made her cry in class, and after that she became "ma'am" for us...

Ms.Malhotra (Hindi teacher in the 9th) got pissed off once and called us a "Chikky and Errogent class". Cheeky and Arrogant!!! I remember that she gave me +10 for winning quizzes, but once gave me a -3 for unintentionally calling her a lousy teacher at one of the quizzes.

The Scout camps at Aksa and Alibag...all of us made it a helluva lot of fun...especially Mehernosh Captain, who actually shat in one of the tents! Some day if and when I get my hands on that brother F***** Louis Fernandes (who actually thought he was a hot scouter), I'll make sure that he's maira-pudingified one by one. (If anyone wants a translation of that, do drop me a mail).

March 15th 1996, the euphoria of finishing the ICSE exams....and the sadness (?) of leaving Campion.

The class picnic in the 10th, to Chachu's farm - I dont know what Alvaro told the A-guys...coz when we got back to school, half the A-guys trooped off the bus weeping buckets of tears. Alvaro was undoubtedly the pep-talk types, who could move even a rock with his inspirational lectures.

Doing the Rock Show for Teacher's Day with Gavin, Mustafa , with a little help from Raymond and Alphonso!

Oye Jallandar Singh ki maaa........Lovely comedy with Vishu Rao.

All those stuffed birds and animals on the 1st floor....rumor had it that Fr.Lane Smith had hunted them all down. Wonder if they are still around. Amazing collection though!

Paraphrasing Shakespeare in the 9th and 10th. Phenomenal pain in the arse! All hail Turner, who published a nice guide to help us poor souls out!

Survey map studies with Goswami. God bless her soul too. Despite all the crap we gave her in class, she genuinely liked our batch.....Sad end for some1 so young.

Doing all those March-pasts for the Sports Day.......Thanks Tarun for the spoof on Colonel Bogey's March. All of us couldnt but help smiling as we marched at PDP that day!

Doing all those projects. Cutting info from here, there and everywhere. Today's Campionite has it damn easy with the net at his fingertips. It was much tougher in our days!

Daaktar Laksmee Visnu......she was scary I swear.....She was one of those teachers whom Lewis imported from Cathedral...

Bunking Kallu's class and going to watch the Dalai Lama debates just for the sake of cheering ____ and _____. And then topping it all off by commiserating at their loss. LoL

"Our soldies who went to sea, to fight for the country, king, coffee and tea"..Still is an anthem which echoes on many a lip!

Nov 29th 1994, the day I won the All-India Bournvita Quiz Contest.......euphoria

Sep 5th 1995, the day we won the Limca Quiz.....HYSTERIA.......Unforgettable.....3 way tie break.....VTS cheering us on (Thanks a ton to my "cousin").....and then the "Thank You" speech

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